dorama ini menceritakan tentang perjalanan hidup Asakura Keita (Takuya Kimura) yang normally bekerja sebagai guru SD di Nagano, sampai akhirnya dia terserat dalam situasi politik yang mengharuskannya untuk mengikuti pemilihan sebagai anggota parlemen jepang, dari situlah karir poilitiknya menanjak, sampai akhirnya dia terpilih menjadi Prime Minister termuda dalam sejarah jepang di usianya yang baru 35 tahun! disinilah konflik terjadi, kalo dipikir menjadi seorang Prime Minister itu enak,yaa pikir lagi deh. it's not like you can get what you want just by shouting. apalagi tradisi jepang dengan segala dominasi senoritas yang cenderung meremehkan orang yang lebih muda ketika dia sedang berada di puncak kepemimpinan. tau apa sih anak ini, begitu pikirnya.
kalo melihat kerja keras, kegigihan dan idealisme Asakura Keita di dorama ini, rasanya setiap warga negara pasti kepengen punya pimpinan seperti dia, yang mengedepankan kepentingan rakyat di atas apapun. yang rela ga tidur berhari hari demi mempelajari Undang-Undang yang mempengaruhi nasib rakyatnya. yang rela dateng ke SD yang terletak di pedalaman jepang hanya karena salah seorang muridnya nulis surat buat dia. yang rela bilang 'tidak' ketika anggaran yang dibuat oleh parlemen dirasa terlalu besar. damn. i heart that man!dia bener-bener peduli dengan kelangsungan negaranya . sosok seidealis itu memang cocok menjadi pemimpin. with his pure heart he can conquer any obstacle heading him. and My Indonesia deserve that kind of leader in the future.
dan ada satu bagian di dorama ini yang bikin gw mengangguk setuju akan kriteria pimpinan yang sebenarnya, ketika asakura pidato kampanye untuk pertama kalinya didepan rakyat jepang. dan takuya kimura bermain sangat baik pada adegan itu, you really have to see it!! ini sedikit cuplikan pidatonya.
people who bow their heads during election then act royalty after winning it, are not real politicians!
people who don't use words that can be understood by everyone are not real politicians!
people who prioritize their own interest over the happiness of the people are not real politicians!
and most of all, not knowing what people hate, what they desire and what they want to believe in..Someone who doesn't know those...can not be a real Prime Minister!
i promise, with eyes like yours i will find problem in politics and correct it.
i promise, with ears like yours i will seriously listen to the tiniest voice of those who are called weak.
i promise, with legs like yours i will run without hesitation towards the problem scene.
i promise, with hands like yours i will work with sweat stained hands and point towards the path that this country should take.
My everything..will be like yours!
people who don't use words that can be understood by everyone are not real politicians!
people who prioritize their own interest over the happiness of the people are not real politicians!
and most of all, not knowing what people hate, what they desire and what they want to believe in..Someone who doesn't know those...can not be a real Prime Minister!
i promise, with eyes like yours i will find problem in politics and correct it.
i promise, with ears like yours i will seriously listen to the tiniest voice of those who are called weak.
i promise, with legs like yours i will run without hesitation towards the problem scene.
i promise, with hands like yours i will work with sweat stained hands and point towards the path that this country should take.
My everything..will be like yours!
-From CHANGE Eps. 3-
and i strongly suggest you to watch this dorama. seriously!!
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