
this is how we celebrate our friends birthday

hehehe,,taun lalu identik dengan traktiran dan makan-makan, taun ini kita mencoba sesuatu yang lebih baru, sesuatu yang lebih unforgetable, sesuatu yang lebih meaningful,, hehehe,,[ngetik sambil cengar-cengir sendirian].
consider that one of my friend (damn you dion!!) is beyond creative when it comes to ngejailin orang, so we decide to do what he think is best.
this is some of his success artwork!!

Ike, January 25th

Nadya, March 10th

Garry, May 3rd

i still got my camera, laughing how bad garry look like, taking his picture with his new make-up. feel sorry about what has done to him. without having a negative thought, not even in a slight! that i'll be dragged,and roped and treated the same like he does!!ugh,,i feel pity for myself!!

damn my hand is hurt!!

when your hair and body got eggs (yes it's plural), flour, soy sauce , margarine, oil, cake, and all disgusting ingredient that you can imagine, all you need is a full bottle of shampoo and soap to clean all the massive chaos. and dont forget to prepare cuttonbud, in case the margarine got into your ears. (ow,,,poor garry!!)


ps:untuk oknum-oknum tersebut, pesan gw cuma satu, "ingat!karma itu ada kawan!"

4 komentar:

Melissa mengatakan...

dilempar terigu dan telor ...
di-lakban di pohon ...
selanjutnya apa ???

yurikeliesyawati mengatakan...

agung belom dapet apa2...

ciita mengatakan...

hahahahahahhaaa...cuma bisa ketawaaaa.

Putri Padmosuwarno mengatakan...

kita tunggu episode brikutnya. stay tune ya..hahaha..

iya agung nih blom merasakan mentega di kepala...hehehe..ati2 gung..

sama komennya kyk pas ike, cuma agungnya diganti nama jadi 'cita'.hehehhe


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