
less word more picture Part.2

how are you feeling now??


yea..yea..i dunno why i feel soo layyyzaayyy todayy..gosh!!

what do you wanna do recently?


cut my hair. obviously. by myself. a lil experimental thing is good for your metabolism. :D

what make you smile right at this moment?

Photobucket my nephew, Tamma!!!ini satu dari sekian banyak ekspresi lucunya.hahhaha..ngegemesin sekali dia.

where are you going today?
dinner. with my old friends.



yes.of's good.everything's undercontrol.

if you have one place you want to visit, where would that be?


Yogyakarta or Solo or Klaten. Pulang kampung lah bisa dibilang. Yang ada sawah hijau membentang dan langit biru maha luas. ya. saya mau kesana. it's seems a perfect gate away, don't you think?
would you take me there??

any recommended movie?


yes. The Hangover. ridiculously hilarious. lucu abis. ceritanya ga gitu serius, kocak (banget!!), alurnya pas. ga kecepetan ga kelamaan juga. i enjoy every second of it. gw kasih 4 dari 5 bintang!!kekonyolan dialog dan para pemainnya bikin lo males nengok kanan kiri, dan sepertinya bukan gw saja yang menikmati kegilaan mereka, hampir satu studio ketawa ngakak selama film diputar. have to watch it!!


Mike Tyson: By the way man, where you get that cop car from?
Stu Price: We uh, stole it from these dumbass cops.
Mike Tyson: *Nice*!

okay. there you go people.
i have a life to get back to.
adios, amigo!


1 komentar:

harunsaurus mengatakan...

nais postingan, gan.

the hangover ya? tengkyu for da rekkommandation.


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