
come waste ur millions here

lagi iseng ga ada kerjaan, eh malah ngebuka folder tulisan jaman doeloe, yang seharusnya buat bahan postingan di blog pertama, tapi karena satu dan lain hal, tulisan ini hanya mandeg di satu tempat tanpa terpublish terlebih dahulu,,,tadi berniat menghapus, tapi sayang juga, malah jadi nostalgia sendiri,,,ywda drpd berakhir tragis di bin, mending gw share di sini aja,,kalo mo baca sukur,,ga baca mending ke laut aja gpp juga!

heree we gooo....

“As my good friend once said that “the worst way to missing someone is to be sitting beside them knowing you cant have them” which is most ppl in this universe hv the same thought with him,, including me! I’ve been in that circumstances,,and it was soo torturing me,,but now I try to be more realistic when it comes to love,,abt 2 or 3 days ago,,I got into a deep discussion with my friend abt once again,L-O-V-E! yea,,I’de be soo exited when discussing this beside abt wot Malaysia did to my lovely country by stealing Indonesia heritage,,that wud be a consequence for wot u did guys!

Ok back to the main topic,,my friend told me abt her friend, she’s the aggressive type of girl,,but fortunately , she always get the man she loves,,she’s not shy to introduce her self first to the guy she likes at the bus or ask phone number to a completely stranger or invite a guy to a date! and if the guy said no to her, it’s fine,, she’s nothing-to-lose type a girl also.she said that it doesn’t matter with the result as long as we already did the best we could. When she told me abt her, I was like “is she really did that??(read it with surprise tone!:))

But in the other hand I’m proud abt wot she did,,even tho sometimes the result is rejection,,,and then my friend shared with me a lot abt wot happiness is,,thx god I hv her as my internal advisor,I still remember abt what she said “I really don’t need Adam Levine looked alike boyfriend,,or huge mount of money to buy a happiness. Besides Wot the use of money when u don’t hv someone to spend with?” definitely agreed with her!thx to her for share her story "

bisa dipastikan bahwa waktu gw menulis ini adalah pada saat heboh-hebohnya kasus malaysia yang ngerampok kekayaan Indonesia,,dan sehabis curhat sama Maya soal,,[lagi-lagi] life and love,,awalnya sih cuma mo konsultasi tentang FK Trisakti sama dia, eh ending-endingnya malah curhat colongan,,berhubung udah lama banget ga ngobrol sama dia jadi keasikan ngomongin banyak hal,,


"As the December coming, it’s time to make my own resolution for 2008,,there’s a lot of planning for next year but as I said in my previous post that my priority is still my sisters,,well congrats for my sis, asti for being accepted in medical faculty trisakti univ,, but I do hope that she wud be in univ of Indonesia,,hope it’ll come advice:no pain no gain, sis,,u gotta hard work if u want to get the best for ur life, and I 'm always there to support you..hehe..
Okayyyy,,,2008 it’s counting,, it feels like yesterday when I saw muse performing at Jakarta,not on February instead…huhu,,where does the time fly?
I’m not change a lot on 2007,,I mean physically, just a lil haircut maybe,,hehe,,but mentally I do feel there’s a lil changing,,and in 2007 I met ppl I didn’t expect to meet,,hehe more friends perhaps,,and I just realized that my new hobby brought me to a new community,,and I feel comfy abt it,,"

again,,tulisan buatan tahun 2007 yang gagal terbit,,akhir 2007 lebih tepatnya, ,disitu dibilang bahwa prioritas utama gw adalah adek-adek gw,,kenapa ampe segitunya ya??komunikasi jadi masalah utamanya yang menyebabkan hubungan kakak-adik ini jadi sedikit renggang,,jadi ada sedikit rasa bersalah ampe gw nulis kayak gitu, sekarang sih udah berubah banyak banget[in a good way of course],,

community?? maksudnya,,sepanjang tahun 2007 itu gw lagi suka-sukanya dengerin live music, semacem konser, showcase atau cuma live performance di beberapa tempat,,kalo mo sedikit nostalgia jaman SMA, palingan dateng ke pensi-pensi yang diadaain sama anak-anak SMA,,eh kebetulan ada site ini, jadi bisa nambah info ttg dunia perkonseran Jakarta dan nambah temen juga tentunya..huehehe..

dan Asti ga ktrima di FKUI karena dia memang tidak memilih kesana,,pokoknya dia ga ktrima SNMPTN[ah namanya ribet amat…]..jadinya dia resmi menjadi mahasiswi fakultas kedokteran Trisakti,,akhirnya obsesi nyokap untuk punya anak dokter sepertinya akan terpenuhi..setelah gagal men-brainwash otak anak kedua [baca:GW!]..


"I know it’s kinda too late to apologize,, esp when the things happened for abt yearsss ago,,when I supposed to follow my guts rather than my thoughts ,,and now see what I’m doing, regretting my decision, missing our deep conversation and our unimportant late talk, hopping things get better but in fact It’s getting worse ,,,knowing the fact that I’m the one to choose to walk away,that doesn’t make it easier, it’s just getting harder ..

and my stupidity or your stupidity bring us to the situation we are today,,we’re friends [we’re JUST friends ,really!!] and yet a strangers to one be honest, I really learn a lot from this so-called tragedy, just something that helped me to know a lil more abt my self and as we grow up things get more clearly now,

..once again I’m really sorry for the misunderstanding about everything happened in the past,,and now I know why regret is always come late, if I knew the real problem between the two of us sooner,,I’d never should have let you to let me go,,[GOSH,,can’t believe I said that..]..

and then,,
here I am,,
half alive,,

but mostly dead...”

Terlihat sekali kalo gw sedang dalam keadaan desperado,,,padahal sih ga gitu juga, sekarang pas baca tulisan itu, gw jadi cengar-cengir sendirian, menertawai kebodohan gw sendiri, melancholia sekali ya,, huehhe,,ini gw tulis sekitar pertengahan 2007 [tepat setahun yang lalu],,lagi dirundung rasa penyesalan tiada tara terhadap kejadian tahun-tahun sebelumnya,,sekrang sih udah fine-fine aja sama "YOU" yang dimaksud dalam postingan tersebut..

nulisnya kilat tuh,,eh tiba-tiba jadi ngalir gitu aja,,,huehehehe,,, well,,[in my experience],,when u dealing with a big problem and it seems impossible to fix it, you have to try and turn a disaster into a triumph,,yeah i know at the time when someone said that to me i could have hit them ,,but its true you know,, at least you have to try and turn whatever has happened on its head and learn something or take something from life shit happens [its the way you deal with it that's important] it will make you stronger if you let it.

hmm,, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger right??

owkeyy,,,duh gw ngomong apa sih ini,,,jadi ngalur ngidul ga tentu arah begini..ywdalah kita sudahi saja postingan kali ini daripada menjurus kepada tulisan yang nantinya akan membuat para pembaca sekalian menjadi menyesal telah membuka blog ini....
oke.sampai ketemu di kisah-kisah selanjutnya ya..yang semoga saja agak lebih genah dibandingkan postingan kali ini..


3 komentar:

Nico Wijaya mengatakan...

Gilak, gw bc ini dsaat yg tepat. Pas jam 3 pagi dmana enak bgt bwt ngerenung.
Huh, gw jd keinget lg put. Bbrapa hr ini kondisi gw sdng 'ga enak'. Yg ada kl sdng kumat kek gini, gw pake tidur. Bukan lari dr problem, tp membiarkanya hilang seiring waktu.
Ngomong apa gw ini ya?

Putri Padmosuwarno mengatakan...

iya gw juga suka gtu kok, sok2an sibuk biar lupa sma masalah yg sbnernya..yaa kyknya itu basic human nature deh,,padahal klo diumpamakan masalah tuh kyk lagunya morrisey yang the more you ignore me the closer i get,,huehehe,,makin ngalur ngidul nih komen..

Nico Wijaya mengatakan...

hehehe iyah. yawdala, kita karokean saja:D*ambil mic*


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