

hmm,,that sounds funny you know, when you figured out that the person who used to be in love with you, now already found the right person for them, and it obviously not YOU!

at first you just shocked!!really.saw his status changed to be in a relationship and when you see his partner name, it mentioned another women, not ur name instead, and when you see the picture, it's clearly not ur face beside him.


i bet you are!

but it's different case when you're not so into him, then you feel relieved about his happiness, but you can't ignore the jealousy deep down inside. the jealousy of being replaced by another women which apparently looks more attractive than you.
then it got you thinking!
it's good for him if he's already found the right person who truly care about him, because if u still continue the-unbalanced-love-story, he's the one who suffer the most..
then u want to rebuild your friendship with him, simply because u don't want to loose such a very good friend like him, but the reality it's not that easy, he started to take a distance from you, no-more sms, no more late talk, no more basa-basi kinda thing, and you don't know where to start, to make this silaturahmi back on track again.

and months goes by, you still dont have a clue how to start it, then you have the bravery to talk to him, and the conversation went awkward, there's no chemistry between you and him, and at the end, he gave you nothing but the blues,,

then u moving on with ur life, get to know a new people, a stranger,,a very nice relationship,yet tempting. but the big problem is, you still stuck in the past, knowing that u owe an explanation to someone. to him.

and now, all you gotta do is waiting, waiting for the right moment, and prepare yourself for that day, the day when u finally get a chance to meet him or in case you see him walking at the corridor and it happened that he ask about your condition, with a smile on ur face you will answer gently, "I'm fine".
looking forward to that day!


6 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

hiya si putri.. gw doakan deyh semoga hubungan loe ma dia bisa baek lagi.. hehehe.. amien..

Putri Padmosuwarno mengatakan...

amin,,amin,,ya robbalallamin..[bener-bener dari hati nih ngomongnya]

hehe..makasih san doanya..

Nico Wijaya mengatakan...

Ikutan ngedoain. Amiiin:D

Putri Padmosuwarno mengatakan...

makasih ya nicoo..
means a lot lho!!

ebby! mengatakan...

kenapa ya hal seperti ini terjadi ama semua orang? ato jangan2 cuma cewek doang?
haha crap.... :D
gw juga ikutan berdoa deh put! amien!!

Putri Padmosuwarno mengatakan...

knpa by?lg ngersain hal kyk gini jg lg lo??
kyk yg lo sering bilang by, we never know what we had until we loose it.

and if we really make it, things would never be the same again deh kyknya..huhu..

loh,,jdi curhat??


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